Wellness plan
Preventive health check saves lives
Forever Young:
This Package is ideal for young people between the ages of 16-35. It is made up of carefully selected test every young adult must do before clocking the big 35! Ask for Forever Young!
Vitality Check:
If you are in between your late 30s and early 50s, then Vitality check is the perfect match for you. This test is medically created by a specialist to identify the potential health risks associated with people of this age bracket. Ask for Vitality check.
Elite Wellness:
Elite wellness is suitable for people between the ages of 51 – 60.
Yolo! Medicals
This test is perfect for you if you are guilty of at least one of the following; • Lots of stress • Sedentary without exercising • Poor sleeping habit • Lots of junks as food
Medicals by Age
Forever Young (16-35) Forever Young (Home Service) Vitality Check (36-50s) Vitality Check (Home Service) Yolo Medicals Healthy Grey
Forever Young (16-35)
Forever Young (Home Service)
Vitality Check (36-50s)
Vitality Check (Home Service)
Yolo Medicals
Healthy Grey
Booking Steps
Select one or more wellness package(s) -
Click on “Book a test” -
On the popup windown, view cart or click on checkout -
Enter your billings information -
Proceed to checkout -
Visit any of our centres with your payment receipt for the test