Brain health is the most ignorant part of our lives. We pay attention to all our visible health issues but nothing for brain health. There are many hormones present in our body which play an important role in our brain health.

Hormones are chemical messengers in the blood that signal and coordinate different organs and tissue functions in the body. They are produced by endocrine glands and control mood, growth, and development in the body.

Currently, over fifty hormones exist for different functions. An example is a melatonin, a hormone that helps the brain respond to darkness and sleep and wake cycles.

Brain Health

To detect chemical imbalances in the body and the workings of brain neurotransmitters, hormone tests are often carried out and recommended along with the following healthcare practices to maintain brain health, volume and function and prevent the risk of memory loss and neurological disorders

1. Exercise regularly and prioritize physical movement

Besides being great for our heart and physique, exercise provides immense cognitive benefits and lowers the risks of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. 

To benefit, aim for aerobic exercises between 20-60 minutes. This will allow for increased oxygen flow to the brain and the growth of new nerve cells and connections, or synapses, between brain cells.

Brain health & exercising

2. Stay mentally active

While physical exercises’ benefits to the brain are often known, few realize the importance of mentally challenging and stimulating the brain.

To avoid deterioration, the brain, like every other muscle, must be used by indulging mental exercises with games like puzzles, sudoku, and chess. 

3. Sleep/rest adequately

Often underrated, sleep is an easy way to relax your brain and improve its ability to learn and retain information. During sleep, your brain works overtime to repair itself, clearing abnormal protein and debris and storing memories appropriately, boosting overall memory and brain health.

4. Eat well

Ever heard the phrase we are what we eat and drink? It’s true. Our diet plays a significant role in our brain health and impacts our brain function.

We recommend a diet low in salt, refined sugar, and red meat to keep the brain in great shape.

5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Regularly carry out blood sugar tests and hormone tests and avoid smoking and high cholesterol, as it increases your risk factor for brain disorders like dementia.

6. Protect your head

Fiercely guard your head against injuries or blows to avoid brain trauma. Should you suffer a brain injury or severe fall that affects your head, please do not dismiss it without a scan, as there may be unseen brain injuries that can increase your risk of cognitive impairment.

7. Take care of your heart

As cardiovascular diseases negatively impact cognitive function and the brain and increase our risks of developing neurodegenerative diseases by impeding blood flow to the brain.

8. Don’t ignore your social life

During social interactions and activities, our minds are kept away from stress and depression, two conditions that negatively hamper brain function.

9. Visit a doctor and carry out a brain scan when suspecting a symptom

Saving the most important for the last, please endeavor to see a doctor immediately should you be experiencing any symptoms associated with brain disorders. Symptoms like pain in the head when coughing, paralysis, epileptic attack, extreme forgetfulness, etc., are all symptoms that may warrant a brain scan.

To book a hormone test or brain scan with us, click here or walk into any of our diagnostics centers. Alternatively, you can read more on keeping your brain healthy.